My name is Felipe Fialho from Brazil. I've been working as Front-End Developer since 2009. I'm passionate about open source projects, I believe that the dissemination of knowledge and good ideas inspires and improves the world.
Currently, I'm a Tech Lead at Juntos Somos Mais and I've created the Front-end BR organization on Github. I'm also a one of the founders of Meetup CSS and I helped in organization of Conferência CSS Brasil 2015.
I also have an YouTube channel.
I'm in love with football (soccer), whether watching or playing. As people say "football is the most important thing among the least important things." I also like beer and music, especially both together.
In my free time I like to watch movies and series, eventually I like to read books and philosophizing about life. And I need to say: I have two cats and I love they 😽
I've been creating a lot of open source projects in the last years, for example: